Bruce Springsteen: annunciato il “Best Of” in occasione dei 50 anni di carriera. Tutte le info

Sony Music celebra i 50 anni di carrieraQueste leggendarie canzoni che ripercorrono tutta la carriera del Boss, vengono per la prima volta raccolte insieme in un unico progetto discografico, accompagnate dalle nuove note di copertina di Erik Flannigan. La cover dell’album è stata scattata da Eric Meola durante le sessioni di “Born To Run”.

Questa la tracklist del cd e dell’LP di “BEST OF BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN”: “ Growin’ Up”, “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)”, “Born To Run”, “Thunder Road”, “Badlands”, “Hungry Heart”, “Atlantic City”, “Dancing in the Dark”, “Born in the U.S.A”, “Brilliant Disguise”, “Human Touch”, “Streets of Philadelphia”, “The Ghost of Tom Joad”, “Secret Garden”, “The Rising”, “Girls In Their Summer Clothes”, “Hello Sunshine” e “Letter To You”.

Questa la tracklist della deluxe digitale di “BEST OF BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN”: “Growin’ Up”, “Spirit In The Night”, “Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)”, “4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)”, “Born To Run”, “Tenth Avenue Freeze Out”, “Thunder Road”, “Badlands”, “Prove It All Night”, “The River”, “Hungry Heart”, “Atlantic City”, “Glory Days”, “Dancing in the Dark”, “Born in the U.S.A”, “Brilliant Disguise”, “Tougher Than The Rest”, “Human Touch”, “If I Should Fall Behind”, “Living Proof”, “Streets of Philadelphia”, “The Ghost of Tom Joad”, “Secret Garden”, “The Rising”, “Long Time Comin’”, “Girls In Their Summer Clothes”, “The Wrestler”, “We Take Care Of Our Own”, “Hello Sunshine”, “ Ghosts” e “Letter To You”.

Fonte : Virgin Radio